Campaign offer

Order in February
and get €600 discount

This February we are offering a discount of €600 on each antimicrobial susceptibility test per strain for aerobic gram-negative bacteria. If you order your tests in February and send your bacterial strain in March, you will qualify for the discount and get the results by April 11th.

Antimicrobial susceptibility test (MIC)

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Download the brochure: Antimicrobial susceptibility test (MIC)

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Microbial feed additives, or other microorganisms used intentionally in the food chain, should not add to the pool of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes already present in the gut microbial population, or otherwise increase the spread of AMR (EFSA FEEDAP Panel, 2018).


Update your knowledge on antimicrobial resistance



Phenotypic testing of antimicrobial susceptibility should be made using internationally recognised and standardised methods. Such standards are published by e.g. the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). EFSA accepts agar and broth dilution methods, but not agar diffusion methods (disc diffusion, E-test).

MIC is the lowest antimicrobial concentration, which prevents the growth of target microorganism. To distinguish between susceptible and resistant strains, breakpoint values are available for antimicrobials against clinical isolates (e.g. EUCAST or CLSI). EFSA provides cut-off values to a set of representative antimicrobials listed by WHO as critically or highly important. In addition to these antimicrobials, it is necessary to test the target bacterium against antimicrobials, for which putative resistance genes are found from its genome.


Biosafe performs over 100 MIC tests each year for both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.


Challenges include the lack of cut-off values for non-clinical, safe industrial bacteria. Furthermore, atypical growth of the test bacterium and non-conventional antimicrobial agent need special attention. Reference bacteria are always included in the test, and are run parallel to the test bacterium under the same conditions besides the ones defined by the Standard.

Genus/species tested by Biosafe include: Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus sp., Pediococcus sp., Bacillus sp., Corynebacterium sp., Enterococcus faecium, Megasphaera sp., Clostridium sp., Burkholderia sp., Streptomyces sp.

Antimicrobials tested

Critically important Highly important Important
Ampicillin Cephalosporins Bacitracin
Ciprofloxacin Chloramphenicol Metronidazole
Colistin Clindamycin Tiamulin
Erythromycin Lincomycin  
Fosfomycin Quinupristin/Dalfopristin  
Gentamicin Sulfamethoxazole  
Linezolid Trimethoprim  
Rifampicin Virginiamycin  


Compatibility with other additives

Biosafe is performing similar test to determine if a microbial feed additive is compatible with other additives, such as coccidiostats. Compatibility is assumed if the microbe tolerates at least four times the maximum concentration of the coccidiostat in feed or water.

Campaign offer

Order in February
and get €600 discount

In February we are offering a discount of 600 € on antimicrobial susceptibility test per strain for aerobic gram-negative bacteria

Place your order in February, send your bacterial strain by deadline and get the results by April 11th*. 

  1. Samples: 2 units of microbial strain(s) as freeze-dried, cryo-stock, agar slant or on agar plate. The test strain must arrive to Biosafe at latest 7.3.2025  

  2. Schedule: test on March week 13 and the report ready for client’s review on April 11th 

  • STANDARD CONDITIONS OF THE TEST (aerobic gram-negative bacteria): incubation under aerobic conditions at + 35 °C in cation-adjusted Mueller Hinton Broth (CAMBH) and Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) with glucose-6-phosphate (for 18 ±2 h) 

  • CONFIRMATION OF TEST STRAIN’S MORPHOLOGY: A separate e-mail is sent to confirm the test strain’s morphology. The morphology must be confirmed by the client as soon as possible or at latest by 5 working days before the analysis. If the morphology hasn’t been confirmed by the deadline, Biosafe will proceed with the analysis without confirmation and takes no responsibility if an incorrect strain has been analyzed instead of test strain.  

  • In addition, inform Biosafe on which of the following culture media your test strains grows/can be used to revive the strain from the vial. 

  • COLSB (Columbia agar with lysed sheep blood) 

  • TSB & TSA (Tryptic soy broth/agar) 

  • NB & NA (Nutrient broth/agar) 

  • LB (Luria Bertani broth/agar) 

  • LBG (Luria Bertani broth/agar supplemented with 1% glucose) 

  • MRS (deMan Rogosa Sharpe) 

  • FAA/FAB (Fastidious anaerobe agar/broth)   

Contact microbiologist, Pilvi Ruotsalainen ( with any further questions and more information about the campaign.  


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