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Highlights from Biosafe's 10th Anniversary Seminar

This month, Biosafe marked an important milestone—our 10th Anniversary—with an inspiring seminar held in Helsinki, Finland on 22nd and 23rd of May. The event not only commemorated a decade of pioneering achievements in food safety and regulatory compliance but also provided a platform for forward-looking discussions on the future of the industry.


A gathering of minds

Over two days, we had the pleasure of hosting leading experts and professionals from across the food safety spectrum. The seminar featured an array of distinguished speakers, including Dr. Yolanda García Cazorla, from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Juha-Pekka Pitkänen from Solar Foods, Ruud Bremmers from Regal B.V., Dr. Alexandra Lensch from Evonik,  and Paula Pescador formerly of c-LEcta GmbH and now with us at Biosafe. Each brought their unique insights into the latest research, regulatory developments, and emerging trends that are shaping the future of food safety and production.



Key takeaways

  • Yolanda García Cazorla provided an enlightening talk on EFSA's evolving role and the latest advancements in risk assessment methodologies for microorganisms. Her presentation underscored the importance of maintaining stringent safety evaluations in the ever-evolving food production landscape.
  • Juha-Pekka Pitkänen captivated attendees with his discussion on Solar Foods' revolutionary approach to protein production using carbon dioxide and electricity, highlighting significant strides towards sustainable food solutions.
  • Ruud Bremmers shared invaluable experiences and advice post the implementation of the Transparency Regulation, offering attendees a deeper understanding of navigating the complex regulatory environment in the EU.
  • Alexandra Lensch's session on recombinant DNA technology over the past 50 years sparked engaging conversations on both the challenges and breakthroughs in the field, illuminating paths forward for innovation in food and feed products.
  • Paula Pescador's presentation on the nuances of obtaining GRAS status in the United States versus EU authorisation was particularly enlightening. Her deep understanding of regulatory affairs provided crucial insights for companies aiming to expand their presence in global markets.


Unparalleled networking opportunities

One of the most exciting aspects of the seminar was the opportunity for attendees to engage in meaningful discussions with peers and thought leaders. The networking sessions were buzzing with lively exchanges, sharing of ideas, and forging of potential collaborations, embodying the spirit of community and mutual growth that Biosafe champions.


A heartfelt thank you

From all of us at Biosafe, we extend a heartfelt thank you to all our speakers, attendees, and the team members who made this seminar a resounding success. As we look forward, Biosafe remains dedicated to supporting innovation and upholding the highest standards of safety and compliance. We are excited about the future and the opportunities to continue our work with all our partners.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from Biosafe as we forge ahead into the next decade of excellence. Here's to many more years of innovation, collaboration, and success in opening minds to changing the global food system.


Update your knowledge on regulated microbes and their products

Published: 31.05.2024

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