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Campaign offer: Order in February and get €600 discount

This February we are offering a discount of €600 on each antimicrobial susceptibility test per strain for aerobic gram-negative bacteria. If you order your tests in February and send your bacterial strain in March, you will qualify for the discount and get the results by April 11th.

Place your order in February, send your bacterial strain by deadline and get the results by April 11th. 

  1. Samples: 2 units of microbial strain(s) as freeze-dried, cryo-stock, agar slant or on agar plate. The test strain must arrive to Biosafe at latest 7.3.2025  

  2. Schedule: test on March week 13 and the report ready for client’s review on April 11th 

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Contact Jouni Heikkinen
for more information

+358 40 016 5829


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Published: 03.02.2025

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